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  • (604) 374-7474
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Due to the nature of our service, cancellations are accepted by phone only. LMRW requires 2 hours of cancellation notice before scheduled transfer times. Failure to cancel within the 2 hours cancellation window will result in total fare charges, including 20% gratuity. If LMRW cannot accommodate your cancellation request, total charges, including gratuity, will apply. Changes must be through client services by contacting 604 374 7474. All deposits are nonrefundable. LMRW assumes no liability for mechanical failures while on charter; however, we’ll offer a future credit note at a mutually agreed date and time. The client assumes entire financial liability for all damages to LMRW vehicles caused during transfer by the client(s). We’ll charge a $100.00 fee for each individually damaged area; sanitation and detailing fees are $250.00 minimum. Alcohol Consumption and drug use are illegal by law and cannot consume in our vehicles; client (s) will pay any fines due to their negligence. The driver has the right to terminate transfer(s) without refund (if there is blatant indiscretion on the part of the client(s)). It is Illegal to stand through the sunroof. Smoking is not allowed in any of our vehicles. The waiting time fee will apply after 10 minutes grace period, then billing in 15 increments at $1.00 per minute.LMRW assumes no responsibility for delays or transfer terminations in winter due to unsafe road conditions (i.e., Road hazards, accidents, etc.). LMRW is not responsible for articles left in our vehicles. We collect outstanding balances before your next transfer unless you have an excellent standing monthly account, and Clients must settle monthly charges when due. We do not load our vehicles beyond seating capacity.
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